Course Fees: Rs 13000   Rs 9999/-

J2EE Training

The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE (formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition or J2EE) has experienced several changes since Java J2EE-1.0 as well as abundant inclusion of new specifications.Java J2EE 1.4, the predecessor to the Java EE 5 platform, has numerous dominant features than older version of Java api. Here are a few of the significant changes of Java J2EE:

  • In Java EE 5 platform supreme boilerplate requirements have been eliminated, and Javascript XML descriptors are now optional. For example, the ejb-jar.xml Java script descriptor is no longer necessary in most cases.
  • Java EE 5 platform, more defaults are available, with a special emphasis on making them meaningful. Java Developers now have fewer details to remember.
  • The EJB software programming model is significantly simpler in Java EE 5 platform.
  • The new Java Persistence API is available to all Java api platform applications, including those based on Java EJB technology
    • Mon – Fri ( 4 Weeks ) | 07.30 AM - 9.30 PM Time (IST) Rs 13000/- Rs 9999/-

    • Sat – Sun ( 6 Weeks ) | 08.30 AM - 10:00 PM Time (IST) Rs 13000/- Rs 9999/-

Why J2EE?

  • Avg. Salary for J2EE Developer Rs 6,753,548/- per year
  • J2EE has a market share of about 7.0%
  • Used by top industries across various business Verticals. Ex: NetCracker Technology Corporation, Themesoft, etc.

Objective of the course

By the end of this J2EE training course, you will be able to:

  • Provide knowledge of the In-depth concepts of JEE
  • Build an Independent Web application
  • Knowledge on the in-depth Life cycle of servlets and Jsp.
  • Gain hands-on how to communicate with databases using Java.
  • Work on one sample Projects.

Who should take the course?

This J2EE training course is suitable for:

  • Who ever is interested in becoming Java developer
  • College / School Students / Fresher
  • Job Seekers
  • Who wants to learn coding from beginner level
  • Anyone wants to build their own Desktop, Web and Mobile application from scratch


Basic knowledge of Core Java concepts is recommended.

J2EE Syllabus

Java Introduction & Overview

JDBC Product ,Types of Drivers ,Two-Tier Client/Server Model ,Three-Tier Client/Sever Model ,Basic Steps of JDBC , Creating and Executing SQL Statement, The Result Set Object , Working with Database MetaData , Interface

Servlet Interaction & Advanced Servlets ,Life cycle of Servlet ,Java Servlet Development Kit ,Javax.servlet package ,Reading Servlet Parameters ,Reading Initialization Parameters ,The javax.servlet.http Package ,Handling HTTP

JSP Technologies ,Understanding the Client-Server Model ,Understanding Web server software ,Configuring the JSP Server ,Handling JSP Errors , JSP Translation Time Errors ,JSP Request Time Errors ,Creating a JSP Error Page

RMI Architecture ,Designing RMI application , Executing RMI application

Types of Enterprise Java beans, Session Bean & Entity Bean, Features of Session Bean , Life-cycle , Features of Entity Bean , Life-cycle of Entity Bean , Container-managed Transactions , Bean-managed Transactions , Implementing a container-manged Entity Bean

Introduction to the Apache Struts , MVC Architecture , Struts Architecture, How Struts Works? , Introduction to the Struts Controller , Introduction to the Struts Action Class , Using Struts ActionFrom Class , Using Struts HTML Tags , Introduction to Struts Validator Framework , Client Side Address Validation in Struts , Custom Validators Example , Developing Application with Struts Tiles

Introduction to Hibernate 3.0 , Hibernate Architecture , First Hibernate Application.