PHP is a very versatile web development language that is used to build dynamic web pages by deploying server-side scripting. It offers multiple benefits like advanced features, easy to use and open source nature. MySQL is a database solution that is extremely powerful, secure and scalable making it ideal for using with sophisticated websites. This Training course lets you master both PHP and MySQL providing you ample opportunities for taking up high-paying jobs.
Mon – Fri ( 4 Weeks ) | 07.30 AM - 9.30 PM Time (IST) Rs 12500/- Rs 8000/-
Sat – Sun ( 6 Weeks ) | 08.30 AM - 10:00 PM Time (IST) Rs 12500/- Rs 8000/-
By the end of this PHP training course, you will be able to:
This PHP training course is suitable for:
There are no prerequisites for taking up this PHP certification training course.
Evaluation of Php , Basic Syntax , Defining variable and constant , Php Data type , Operator and Expression
Capturing Form Data , Dealing with Multi-value filed , Generating File uploaded form , Redirecting a form after submission
Making Decisions , Doing Repetitive task with looping , Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
What is a function , Define a function , Call by value and Call by reference , Recursive function
Creating and accessing String , Searching & Replacing String , Formatting String , String Related Library function
Anatomy of an Array , Creating index based and Associative array , Accessing array Element , Looping with Index based array , Looping with associative array using each() and foreach() , Some useful Library function
Understanding file& directory , Opening and closing a file , Coping ,renaming and deleting a file , Working with directories , Building a text editor , File Uploading & Downloading .
Using query string(URL rewriting) , Using Hidden field , Using cookies , Using session
What is regular expression , Pattern matching in Php , Replacing text , Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
Introduction to RDBMS , Connection with MySql Database , Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select) , Setting query parameter , Executing query , Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)
Introduction , Objects , Declaring a class , The new keyword and constructor , Destructor , Access method and properties using $this variable , Public ,private, protected properties and methods , Static properties and method , Class constant , Inheritance & code reusability , Polymorphism , Parent:: & self:: keyword , Instanceof operator , Abstract method and class , Interface , Final
Understanding Exception and error , Try, catch, throw